Using Silicone Impressions

In this case, you initially need nothing at all. For reasons of precision and simplicity, we recommend taking the silicone impression at the multiunit level with commercially available impression posts for universal multiunit abutments. This means you have chosen the optimal multiunit abutment for each individual implant in terms of gingival height and angulation (0º, 17º, 30º) and have fixed it with a torque of normally 28 Ncm. Use at least as many SIEWERT BRIDGE patient screws as there are implants in each case, for example, 2 implants = 2 x SBSMUL to fix the SIEWERT BRIDGE in the patients mouth with a torque of ~15 Ncm.

If an earlier placed implant from another manufacturer can be included and you are not sure if multiunit abutments are available for it, we are happy to help. Contact: You will be surprised to find out that there are universal multiunit abutments for implants even though the implant manufacturer does not offer them, for example, bredent blueSky, Ankylos, as well as for implants that are no longer sold such as IMZ, Pitt-Easy, Branemark, to name just a few. After taking an impression, all you need is a certified SIEWERT BRIDGE™ Solution dental laboratory. If you wish to work with the dental laboratory of your choice and it is not yet certified, the laboratory can contact us at

Or the fastest and easiest way is to start with our dental laboratory, the lab with the longest experience and know-how for the SIEWERT BRIDGE™ Solution: